8:45 am Chair’s Opening Remarks

Managing Toxicity, Modulating the Tumour Microenvironment, & Overcoming Resistance in Claudin-Targeted Therapies

9:00 am Workshop: Mitigating Toxicity & Ensuring Safety in Claudin-Targeted Cancer Therapies

  • Tomoko Nakajima Executive Director, Astellas Innovation Management LLC
  • Salah-Eddin Al-Batran Director Bioanalysis and Pharmacokinetics, Institute of Clinical Research at Krankenhaus Nordwest
  • David Ferry Senior Vice President, Independent Expert


This workshop will focus on strategies to mitigate toxicity and enhance safety in Claudin-targeted therapies, addressing common side effects and preclinical profiling. Participants will learn about clinical trial designs and approaches to manage patient safety effectively

10:30 am Evaluating the Role of Claudins in Tumour Microenvironment & Immune Modulation

  • Miguel Gaspar Senior Director Oncology Research and Development, AstraZeneca


  • Investigating how claudin expression affects the tumor microenvironment, including interactions with stromal cells, immune cells, and extracellular matrix components 11:00 Morning Break 11:15 Networking Rooms Tomoka Nakajima Executive Director, Asset Lead Astellas Pharma US
  • Deep dive discussion on the dual role of claudin in promoting immune evasion and facilitating immune cell infiltration, and the implications for immunotherapy
  • Uncovering recent advancements in targeting claudin to modulate the tumor microenvironment and enhance the efficacy of cancer immunotherapies

11:00 am Coffee Break

11:15 am Networking Rooms

Delving into Claudin Biology & Translational Success in Claudin-Targeted Therapies

12:00 pm Roundtable Discussion: Insights into Claudin Biology & Its Impact On Cancer Progression

  • Phillip Dennis Chief Medical Officer, I-mab Biopharma
  • Hui Zou Chief Scientific Officer, Phanes Therapeutics


  • Understanding the dynamic expression patterns of Claudin 18.2, 6, and 9 in different cancer stages and the implications for therapeutic targeting
  • Outlining the role of claudin proteins in tumor microenvironment interactions and how these interactions influence cancer progression and metastasis
  • Identifying how understanding claudin biology can inform clinical strategies and improve therapeutic outcomes, including the development of targeted delivery systems and combination therapies 

12:45 pm Translational Development: Bridging Preclinical Findings to Clinical Success in Claudin-Targeted Therapies

  • Jou-Ku Chung Global Head, Clinical Pharmacology, I-Mab Bio


  • Understanding the importance of developing companion diagnostics for Claudintargeted therapies, including the identification and validation of biomarkers to ensure patient selection
  • Showcasing strategies to address challenges in translational development, such as achieving target specificity, managing toxicity profiles, and optimizing therapeutic windows
  • Analyzing case studies highlighting the successful transition of Claudin-targeted therapies from preclinical stages to clinical trials, with a focus on lessons learned and best practices

1:15 pm Lunch Break & Virtual Networking

Assessing Innovative Therapeutic Approaches & Toxicity Management in Claudin-Targeted Therapies

2:15 pm Claudin 1: in Cancer and Organ Fibrosis

  • Alberto Toso Chief Scientific Officer, Alentis Therapeutics


  • Examining the role of Claudin 1 in cancer and organ fibrosis
  • Discussing the pre-clinical development and the therapeutic potential of monoclonal antibodies and ADCs targeting Claudin 1
  • Addressing the phase I development for Claudin 1-targeted therapies

2:45 pm Next-Generation Cell Therapies Targeting Claudin: Overcoming Challenges & Improving Outcomes


  • Showcasing the latest advancements in next-generation cell therapies targeting claudin, emphasizing novel approaches beyond CAR-T
  • Understanding improvements in toxicity profiles and the durability of therapeutic responses in solid tumours
  • Highlighting early clinical data and preclinical insights to illustrate the effectiveness and potential of these innovative therapies

3:15 pm Future Directions in Claudin-Targeted Therapy Development

  • Han Kim Senior Director, Bolt Biotherapeutics


  • Implementing emerging trends and innovations in Claudin-targeted therapies, including next-generation antibody technologies and novel therapeutic modalities
  • Understanding the potential of targeting other claudin isoforms, such as Claudin 6, in different cancer types and the associated scientific challenges and opportunities
  • Reviewing advancements in preclinical models and technologies that support the development of more effective and safer claudin-targeted therapies, such as organoid models and advanced imaging techniques

3:45 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

4:00 pm End of Conference